In 1978, Wayne C. Kennedy, former Director of St. Louis County Parks and Recreation, decided to build a cross-country course at Queeny Park (after he had attended the 1978 World Championships at the Kentucky Horse Park); he felt Queeny Park had the rolling terrain necessary for a good Event.
The original cross-country course was designed by Richard Newton who worked along with Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Brock Fitzgerald (formerly with Queeny Park).
Mr. Kennedy then asked Richard A. Wessel (owner of Wessel Stables at the time) to continue this event;
thus, Queeny Park Equestrian Events, Inc., a 501c3 not-for-profit organization known as QPEE, was established.
In 1980-1981 Brock Fitzgerald and Dick Wessel became co-organizers of the Queeny Park Horse Trials.